Why Employers Love Our Vision Care Plans

Why Employers Love Our Vision Care Plans

Vision Care Direct Plans Offer Benefits Both You and Your Employees Can Appreciate Nothing ever seems easy about the hiring market. Attracting and retaining employees has always been a challenge. The good news is that, as an employer, you have the power to give your...
Why Your Vision Care Plan Matters

Why Your Vision Care Plan Matters

A Vision Care Plan Can Help You Save Money, Look After Your Eye Health, and Feel Protected Out of our five senses, sight is arguably one of the most important and is responsible for much of the information we process throughout a day. We rely on vision to navigate the...
Is Blue Light Harmful to My Eyes?

Is Blue Light Harmful to My Eyes?

An Individual Vision Plan from Vision Care Direct Can Give You Access to Eyewear for Filtering Out Blue Light Light’s powerful impact can’t be denied. It can influence our energy and mood and is essential to our circadian rhythm – the internal process that...